All posts by jah

Smoking Uptick in Movies and Shows…AGAIN

Trying to enjoy yet another sci-fi series (3 Body Problem) and there is CONSTANT smoking in the 2024 scenes. How many tobacco executives produced this? It’s disgusting, distracting, unrealistic and of course like in the Avatar movie, these are PhD’s smoking? What does that tell us? There’s nothing redeemable or necessary about these characters smoking of course. It’s all product placement. Tobacco truthteller organizations have noticed a huge uptick in smoking in movies and shows. It’s intentionally put in there as it always has been by one industry trying to sell poison. We need to make this outrage public. It was very easy to find an article on this:

Bonnie and Snoopy Bonding

First video of them actually playing for a while (there were moments so I saw this coming eventually, but it’s nice to see it really come to fruition).

Bonnie digging a nest at top of backyard. I ended up putting some bricks in the corner to make she didn’t accidentally dig her way into someone else’s backyard. She seemed most interested in making a cool spot to hang out and has no fear of the steepness of the hill despite being vision impaired.

Bonnie in a heart outfit coming down the hill:

Below is me with the two dogs in the backyard. I’m getting some sun with Bonnie and watching more adventuring Snoopy. Moments like this keep me sane and remind me of great memories of the before time.