Category Archives: California

Back to the Garden

Spring is almost back and the rainy and relatively cold winter seems to have subsided.  With items gifted to me from my friends in Oakland who are getting ready to put their house on the market and other items I plucked from my Mom’s house that is about to go on the market as well, together with clippings from some of her plants, Shando has been helping me to make some dramatic beautification to the backyard.  I’m really putting my potting table to use.  The pictures are the before and after of one area of the backyard, but the video shows more of the green thumb I’m trying to develop.


Post-fire Renovation of Mom’s House

My siblings and me in the kitchen of the family house in California that we grew up in on and off since 1971, a few days before my sister Sabina was born.  Renovations will finally completed soon. Now that it doesn’t have an attached family room that was there for 27 years, you can see the Hayward Hills much easier, and it’s a lot brighter.  The house isn’t even recognizable to us without Mom’s “stuffs.”

Zaleski Wilson

This site is password-protected until such time as Michael and Chris say they want some or all of the content allowed for public consumption.

Celebrated the union of Michael and Chris (with their dog Brillo) in Dublin, California.  They are a very handsome and special couple, and we met a lot of wonderful people at their reception (they actually got married last December 24).  The day of their reception was also very special to me because it would have been my parents’ 50th wedding anniversary!


Fort Bragg Trip

It rained a lot this weekend, but we got some great walks in, and I even ran into a co-worker when we stopped by Mendocino.  There are so many charming areas like Glass Beach and the quaint downtown Fort Bragg that we really enjoy.  We stayed at an Airbnb a few miles north of there and it was heavenly for the dogs to have so much space, even though it was saturated everywhere.