Category Archives: California

Polar’s first time at Glen Cove Waterfront Park

…with Monte & Cappy. We figured these were our three dogs most likely to appreciate it. We have a 17-year-old Pom-chi (Timber) who is a little frail who we bring out sometimes, but the beachhead is a little rough for her. Our other dog is blind and generally uncomfortably nervous whenever he gets in a car for some reason that I suspect has to do with his previous guardians.

Polar’s hair is still growing in, but he minded pretty well and he certainly loves car rides. He’ll be going out with us regularly I’m sure. He’s also not deaf like Monte, so he’s a little easier to communicate with, although Monte minds pretty well regardless.

My 54th Birthday

Sagi & Ido, our friends from Seattle (originally Tel Aviv) who we met (of all places) in Iceland, were in town for my birthday weekend, so it worked out well that they could join us for a road trip. We had a terrific day going around the North Bay, where Shando and I were so glad to buy a home and move to a few years ago. So much of what we love in the Bay Area is in this area they call the Wine Country, even though we don’t drink!

Our first stop was at my favorite winery, Viansa, which has lots of delectable food and fantastic views. This is something that I had done with my mom and it reminds me so much of Italy. Their winery is up on a little hill and usually it’s overcast when I go there. However, today the air was crystal clear and the weather was just perfect.

Later we went to Bodega Bay where it was colder and windier than usual. It isn’t always overcast, but the views were still stunning, and our guests enjoyed it. This was the first time I ever walked down to the beach there. Shando shot the first of this footage from up on the cliff.

June is Pride Month

While we will be in Ohio for San Francisco Gay Pride, fortunately there are plenty of pride events happening in Solano County.

Shando and I attended the Vallejo City Council declaration of June as Pride Month with some of our fellow members of the community.

We also attended the Pride Picnic for the second year in a row on Mare Island put on by Solano Pride and Vallejo Gay Network.

Nevada City Trip

Shando found a rental in Nevada City so we decided to explore this corner of northern California that we weren’t that familiar with for a long weekend in celebration of his 50th birthday. It turned out to be a lot more interesting than we could have imagined with a very gay-friendly atmosphere. The entire downtown area was swarmed with rainbow flags and great little shops that we enjoyed patronizing. Shando took some great portraits of flowers and the park and we took some nice ones of ourselves if I do say so myself. I’m using some of the ones Shando took of me for my profile pictures.

Bocce Ball with Vallejo Gay Network

During the months where it is light in the evenings, VGN organizes these bocce ball events in the beautiful Highland Park here in Vallejo. The bocce ball courts were recently renovated so it’s very much appreciated and we intend to make good use of them. The park is gorgeous, as well as the views as the sun comes down. It’s safe for our dogs to mill about and the fun and camaraderie are always there for us humans too. This was one of the first VGN things we did after Covid since the potlucks were put on hold. This outdoor activity was really refreshing for so many of us. Tom had the wherewithal to have us take a group shot this time, so here is the result!