Category Archives: Memoriam

End of an Era

Among the dedications to my amazing grandmother, what follows is the English and Italian transcription of this video from my uncle Massimo, a son-in-law, in whose house my grandmother lived with him and my aunt Luciana in her last year:

My last goodbye

It was August 4th (2019) and I was in Caserta, when a call comes in – Alert!  You had to rush back in, because a second mom was about to leave.  To be sure I called my niece Dr. Morena Rocca, who told me firmly: uncle you need to return.  Three and a half hours and we were back in Catanzaro.  Getting us to the hospital was onerous.  Then space was made for my children, my son-in-law, my nephew and me, and we came in to bid you farewell.  The next day, willingly or unwillingly it was fate that your moment had not come.

In the hospital you weren’t feeling well and you were going through so many painful moments.  When they told us you couldn’t make it we decided with your daughter Luciana to take you to our home, to your old room.  Here you felt pampered, protected and safe, far from the evil darkness.  You didn’t give up …… and to our amazement you recovered.  After a month, bad luck knocked on your door again, but it couldn’t keep you down. You came up with the living spirit telling death “go for a ride!”  We saw you eat, joust and joke, looking happy.  You had a strength that did not want to give up. Time passed and the dark knocked again, for which you ended up in the hospital again as Christmas was approaching.  Days and days of treatment were continued until the hospital take her home because her life is about to end.

Once again we decide that you would have been with us in your home; there in that room, where you felt safe surrounded by your old wall.  Medicine, oxygen and much more you needed to live hour by hour …You couldn’t taste food anymore and that’s how you only went on with a smoothie.  Since December we have gone on without emergency visits, unfortunately seeing your strength slowly fade away.

Your will was strong but we got to that day March 27th and do you know why?  We were looking forward to celebrating your 93rd birthday!  The cake; The candles; it was all perfect if it weren’t for the illness that took you, forcing your loved ones not to be there.  With Luciana we managed to make your grandchildren sing you best wishes through a computer. 

From that moment only 48 hours passed … and on May 29 your heart stopped. On that beautiful Sunday I saw my wife Luciana vexingly go back and forth …… almost as if he felt the moment to come.  You who called “my daughter; my mom; my caregiver; my everything.”

She who called you my princess no longer had the same harmony.  Luciana felt the cursed hour come, but that alone, you were not ready to face.  Luciana needed her sisters to accompany mom along her journey to the stars.  Luciana remained by your side for several hours, but always with that great love, only when she was alone for a moment did she decide to go that way, following that light. 

I put my hand on your chest, but I understood that your heart was no longer working.  My tears began, but I think about how you went away just as you wanted in your house, next to your loved ones, falling asleep without feeling more pain…with tranquility ………. to reach the afterlife now.

Now everything was finished, everything had started; fly to heaven in a blissful way.  Maria Torto flies to heaven, and again I bid you adieu, my second mother.

Still the virus forbids us to attend your mass; A month has already flown ………. But quiet mom; I have not forgotten

Massimo Rocca 30 March 2020

Il mio ultimo saluto

Era il 4 agosto e mi trovavo a Caserta quando arriva una chiamata; un’allerta. Bisognava di corsa rientrare, perché una seconda mamma se ne stava per andare. Per avere la certezza chiamavo mia nipote la dottoressa Morena Rocca che mi disse con fermezza: zio torna; te lo confermo con la mia bocca. Tre ore e mezzo ed eravamo a Catanzaro, ed a farci entrare l’ospedale era avaro. Ma poi spazio è stato fatto per i miei figli, mio genero, mio nipote ed io, e siamo venuti dentro per darti l’addio. Il giorno dopo, volente o nolente diceva il fato, che il tuo momento non era arrivato. In ospedale non stavi bene e passavi tanti momenti di pene; e quando ci hanno detto che non ce l’avresti fatta, decidemmo con tua figlia Luciana, di portarti a casa nostra, nella tua vecchia tana. Qui ti sei sentita coccolata; protetta e al sicuro lontana dal male oscuro…Non ti sei arresa ……  e con gran stupore ti sei ripresa. Dopo un mese, la cattiva sorte bussò nuovamente alla tua porta ma non si era accorta che eri risorta. Ne sei venuta fuori con lo spirito vivo dicendo alla morte “vatti a fare un giro!”

Ti vedevamo mangiare; giocare; scherzare e contenti dicevamo: ha la forza e non se ne vuole andare. Il tempo passava e l’oscuro bussava…per il tanto male sei finita di nuovo in ospedale, mentre si avvicinava il Natale. Giorni e giorni di cure per sentirci alla fine dire: portatela a casa perché la sua vita sta per finire. Ancora una volta decidiamo che saresti stata con noi nella tua casa; lì in quella stanza, dove ti sentivi al sicuro circondata dal tuo vecchio muro. Medicine, ossigeno e tanto altro ancora ti servivano per vivere ora per ora…Del cibo nulla gustava più il tuo palato, ed è così che sei andata avanti solamente con un frullato. Ma da dicembre siamo andati avanti senza corse, vedendo purtroppo pian piano svanire le tue forze. Qui, forte è stata la tua volontà,  e siamo arrivati a quel giorno là, al 27 marzo e sai perché? non vedevamo l’ora di festeggiare i tuoi anni 93. La torta; le candeline; era tutto perfetto se non fosse stato per il virus che ti ha fatto un dispetto, ha costretto i tuoi cari a non essere lì, ma con Luciana, siamo riusciti a farti cantare dai nipotini tanti auguri attraverso un pc. Da quel momento son passate solo 48 ore… e giorno 29 si è fermato il tuo cuore. In quella bella giornata di domenica vedevo mia moglie Luciana strana; avanti ed indietro andare …… quasi come sentisse il momento arrivare…Lei che definivi mia figlia; la mia mamma; la mia badante; la mia tutto. Lei che ti chiamava principessa mia, non aveva più la stessa armonia. Tu Luciana avvertivi l’ora maledetta arrivare, ma che da sola, non eri pronta ad affrontare; avevi bisogno delle tue sorelle per accompagnare la mamma tra le stelle. Siete state al suo fianco per diverse ore, ma lei, sempre con quel grande amore, solo quando è stata un attimo sola ha deciso di andarsene per quella via, seguendo quella luce …..quella scia.

Metto la mia mano sul tuo petto; ma capisco che il tuo cuore non ha più retto. Cominciano le lacrime mamma mia, ma penso al come sei andata via: proprio come tu volevi; a casa tua; accanto ai tuoi cari; addormentandoti senza sentire più dolori; con la tranquillità ………. di raggiungere ora l’aldilà. Ora tutto è finito anzi tutto è iniziato; vola in cielo in modo beato; vola in cielo Torto Maria e di nuovo ciao, seconda mamma mia.

Ancora il virus ci vieta di partecipare alla tua messa; Un mese è già volato………. Ma tranquilla mamma; non mi sono scordato

Massimo Rocca   30 Marzo2020

I will forever miss my Nonna Maria. She died today after turning 93 two days ago. The circumstances are rather odd because of the quarantines, especially in Italy.

This is us in 2009 in Calabria, where she lived her whole life. What a brilliant smile she had here. This matriarch was a savvy business person and raised NINE kids. Her sense of humor was extraordinary. Her pragmatism was to be admired. It’s the end of an era today. I’m so glad my husband Shando Darby Hayden got to meet her over the years. She made it a point to video chat us with congratulations on our wedding in 2018. Her love was always unconditional. We last saw her last September. I know she appreciated our traveling that far and making a point of spending a lot of time with her. I was the very first grandchild she had of all of her grandchildren and she lived to be a GREAT-GREAT-grandmother. How often do you hear that? My mother was the first child she had, even though my beloved mother, died four years ago. You can imagine how that broke my Nonna’s heart.

In Memoriam, Anthony Perri

Tony was one of my very best friends since the mid 1990’s. We were neighbors in Brooklyn. At times we were even housemates in New York, and for the last several years of his life here in California. He worked as a chemistry professor in his later years, but had been a big-time activist and grant writer for many years between his getting a Master’s Degree in Chemistry and almost finishing his Ph.D. I’ve heard from his students that he was a beloved and effective teacher, and I know he got a lot out of spreading knowledge.

We often traveled together, including the only time he ever traveled to Europe. We went to Spain, France and Italy, including a trip to visit my family there, with my daughter and me.

Even though he never drove, we also took road trips in California. He and I enjoyed traveling down to explore southern California together a number of times.

It was terrible to lose a friend at 53, but Tony was obstinate and chose his own paths. I miss him terribly, but I have solace that he is out of pain, as cliche as that is. Here are some of my fonder memories of the many years we knew each other.

Shando, Joe, Tony and Alexandra Hayden at Tony’s 50th birthday dinner in Oakland – August 24, 2016

NYC Trip

The main impetus for traveling to NYC (which I was due for a trip to see my friends and daughter anyway) was the loss of my sweet friend Michael Demarsico as I mentioned in this blog earlier in the year.  His husband had this celebration of life, so I don’t want to say that it was sad to go to his memorial, but it certainly was exactly as he would have wanted, down the last song that played and the snacks and venue that he chose.  What a guy!

My daughter’s birthday happened to be around the same time, so of course I extended my trip and got to see many of the people I love and miss, as well as show Shando my old stomping grounds.  I have a number of postings, but here are some of the random shots from the visit, including the trip to the High Line Park with my friend Carol.

We Lost One of the Good Ones

I found out one of my good friends (and fellow Yorkie owner) from NYC Michael DeMarsico died a few days ago at the age of 44. I know everyone says only good things about those who have died, but he was truly pure to the core and must have had perfect karma, despite the tragic nature of the disease that took him at such a young age. He was a prolific writer and loyal friend and was survived by his husband and his dog Chloe. I cherish the long emails we had together over the past two decades and the countless coffees and social events I shared with him. I’m so glad I saw him on my last trip to NYC in 2014 (one of the pictures with Chloe is below) when he was already struggling with some of the symptoms of MSA, but he was STILL making jokes about it as he lost motor function. Every time I started to feel the tiniest bit sorry for myself when I had limited mobility this past four months I thought of people like him and so many others suffering, like the children of Syria and the refugees all over the world whose problems dwarfed my inability to walk without crutches. Now that I’m healing and I know I’ll make a full recovery, I hope to return to NYC for the celebration of his life in a month or so. I could only hope to be as genteel and brave as Mike was facing a painful and slow death head on. I’m sure he will be immortalized by his writing. It was at his behest that he not have a funeral but rather a party for his friends, which only demonstrates that he was a total class act. Rest in Peace sweet man.

I miss you so much, Mom!

Giuseppina Benenati Hayden (1942-2016)

Fuck Cancer!  Ovarian cancer in particular is an insidious and sneaky disease.  Her grandmother (my great-grandmother) had died of it when she was 52, but I didn’t think my mother (a health nut) would be vulnerable to getting it even at 73.  Mom was in ICU for almost a month and I was there once or twice a day hoping for the little miracles that ended up not helping her to go back to any kind of life she was used to.  Life is so unfair, but I am grateful that at least the last several months of her life Mom lived with me due to completely unrelated circumstances of the fire at her house.  Shando and I were able to keep a close eye on her with my siblings, particularly since my brother and nephew also moved in with us.  Fortunately we had the space.  It was a roller coaster since she was diagnosed only weeks after the fire, but we were at least hoping that she would have a normal life for several more years when we first heard about this.  Instead she had to go to the hospital twice and her little body just couldn’t overcome all of the ways that the chemo related infection and cancer were attacking her organs.  I know she knows we loved her (she was able to nod her head and hear us almost the entire time she was in ICU) and I’m glad I was there holding her hand and promising her my siblings and I would be taking care of each other when she died.  She deserved a longer life, but at least we made her death as dignified as possible.

Mom and me when we lived in Sardinia, Italy – circa 1970