Category Archives: Pets

Canine Scooter Enthusiasm

I tried out this carry case with a few of the dogs, but neither of them seemed that comfortable, so I’m going in another direction and returning the item. I believe it was for a more petite dog and I can’t see going around like that for an extended period. It would also be unwieldy to be by myself at the park to remove the dog to let him run around, but not to be able to unsnap the device without being Houdini.

I’m still exploring the options of a hitch to the scooter, but that will more likely happen with the e-bike that I have ordered since it has a lot more power than the scooter ever will, especially on inclines.

In the meantime, I noticed that even in the one short trip I took with Polar, he was inspired to jump on the foot portion of the scooter REPEATEDLY, as if saying, “Don’t forget to take me along for the ride.” I might experiment with that by putting him on a leash, not forcing him to run next to me, but also keeping me between my feet while using the scooter. The advertisement for the scooter actually had a dog on that foot platform, although it didn’t indicate whether the scooter was in motion.

Hayden Family Xmas 2023

Shando and I had a wonderful xmas gathering yesterday at my sister’s house in Granite Bay. My nephew is only 16 and towers over all of us. My brother, sister and I are there with their kids, Brooke and Nicholas, and my brother-in-law, Ken. It looks like everyone got the memo to wear grey, but my niece is actually wearing maroon (you just can’t see it in this photo).

We brought the foldable electric scooter which Shando finally agreed to try on the flat street in my sister’s neighborhood. I think he was afraid to say how much he loved it, but he is always worried about breaking a bone, since he’s proud that he has never had to wear a cast in his life.

We brought two of our senior dogs, Polar and Capulet. My sister’s brown-spotted dog Ricki was reticent about the company, but she and Polar fell in love and played a ton, which was nice to see. My brother brought Mocha, the little chihuahua mix, who was more aloof. I listened carefully to the video to make sure we protected those we were gossiping about. They are not identifiable from this video. 🙂

Gifts for my niece and nephew (from “Guncles”):

Grooming Copper

Occasionally I groom dogs for friends since I bit the bullet and decided to groom our own dogs (most of whom need it). I learned how to get much better at trimming nails and I’m hoping I’m better at cutting their hair, even though it was not a goal of mine. I think the incentive was frustration with spending thousands of dollars a year for traumatic trips that lasted hours, and having to schedule appointments months out, never knowing when we’re going to have a heat wave or a cold snap. It’s much nicer to do maintenance and have control of the timing with specificity now that I purchased professional trimmers (which have more than paid for themselves) and safety scissors that cater to the dogs’ different hair textures.

We’ve known Copper since he was a puppy. Before pictures (including after bath):

