Category Archives: Street Fairs

GVRD Pup-kin Patch Dog Festival

I tabled for the Humane Society of the North Bay again at the Greater Vallejo Recreational District‘s first Pup-kin Patch Dog Festival. Shando came later with our most ambulatory dogs and he caught the eye of a photojournalist.

This photo of Shando and the dogs appeared in the Vallejo Times Herald the next day!

This picture was Shando’s debut in the local newspaper (with Montague, Capulet, Peaches and Polar)!

Folsom Street 2022

This was our first time going to any street fair in San Francisco since Covid and we took the opportunity of taking the Vallejo Ferry for the first time, which was quite a cool experience.

While one can easily find all kinds of naughty pictures of the attendees, we will just include a few family-friendly pictures here to prove we were there. <smile>

We did get a chance to run into a lot of close friends who we hadn’t seen in a while.

June is Pride Month

While we will be in Ohio for San Francisco Gay Pride, fortunately there are plenty of pride events happening in Solano County.

Shando and I attended the Vallejo City Council declaration of June as Pride Month with some of our fellow members of the community.

We also attended the Pride Picnic for the second year in a row on Mare Island put on by Solano Pride and Vallejo Gay Network.