Category Archives: Technology

Flake much?

Three people today admitted that primary email address in their profiles is not read or directed to spam, then they complain if they don’t hear from me!  Am I the last person in the world who uses real email and can give people the expectation that I will read what is delivered to my life-long email addresses?

Fan pages for people on Facebook who have no particular following

My favorite “Mommie Dearest” quote is “Because I am not one of your FAAAAAAAAAAANNNS”  There are some excellent remixes of it on Youtube.

I have lots of friends on Facebook (almost the maximum, even though I’ve had to rebuild the profile several times) and other venues, but those numbers pale in comparison to the number of people I actually have in my computer’s personal address book.  I pretty much have kept track of everyone I have worked with, done business with, went to school with or socialized with at least my second year of law school (1996).  I’ve used the same basic electronic tool to do it, too (Microsoft Outlook), which I’ve customized the hell out of.  I should have database expertise on that alone.

However, I still can’t fathom having a fan page for myself just for the sake of having one.  If I reach the maximum number of friends on FB, then I will weed out the ones who have been evasive or who have incomplete profiles.  A fan page to me, would require that I have some special title or elected position that warrants admiration from complete strangers.  Perhaps some day I’ll be a well-published author with books on various subjects and will have actual “fans” but for now I’d really rather just have friends.

Those who have invited me to their fan pages, whether or not I’ve met them in person or not, should not be offended if I don’t join.  If I really like someone’s art work, I’ll join their fan page, but media whore that I am with all of the times I’ve been on TV and in print and with all of the columns I’ve written and articles I’ve self-published or formally published, I still can’t imagine myself crossing into the line of self-proclaimed celebrity without a body of work that stands on its own.