Chaos in Libya

I’m in uncontrollable tears after watching some of the news about Libya today.  I just watched on the news children in bandages in smaller cities of Libya with shrapnel in their heads and limbs!  Who knows how many were killed instantly?  What do these kids know about what’s going on?  Most of them didn’t even look ten years old, and here they are wanting to play and smile for the camera, through their injuries!  To add insult to injury, medical supplies can barely get to them (thank you to Italy and Germany for going through the ship blockades).  And what about the thousands of non-Libyan refugees who are surviving on nothing near the ports waiting to get the hell out o there?  These people in these towns that are vacillating between rebel and Quadafy forces are the worst victims.

Too bad if it seems “imperial” that we are interested in doing more than helping with the no fly zone to save lives of our fellow humans, especially the innocents.  Apparently it’s not enough to stop the bloodshed and I don’t give a fuck about the deficit!  If NATO cannot remedy the situation, then more American involvement is perfectly okay with me!  The money and power in Libya is still on the side of an insane, decrepit dictator and his blond bombshell prostitute body guards from Eastern Europe.

I can’t believe that there are people (extreme left and extreme right) who are drawing comparisons to our involvement in Libya with Iraq and Afghanistan.  Perhaps some are people more liberal than me (it could happen!) who are hippies who don’t believe in “war” under any circumstances but this is a rescue mission!  Conservative pundits who are looking for ways to criticize Obama, without any regard for the suffering he is trying to avoid by helping the rebels.

Have these American critics on both side of the aisle forgotten their recent history? Afghanistan’s extreme sharia former government was sanctioning Al Queda training camps so we had a legitimate interest in stopping that from happening after our country was attacked.  I witnessed the demolition of two outstanding towers in downtown Manhattan.  That wasn’t even a war against the Afghani people themselves, the majority of which I doubt had any knowledge of what had transpired.

Iraq was completely bogus and an attempt at Bush Jr. to save his father’s purportedly good name.

The true comparison is like the former Yugoslavia and President Clinton having us go in there, NOT for economic interests, but to avoid genocide!