33 years since Dad died of Nicotine Addiction

Today is a grim 33rd anniversary of my father dying at age fifty from a painful, elongated death from his tobacco/nicotine addiction. I’m planning to write extensively about the gory details at some juncture. Like so many in countless families, my dad was gone too soon. Handed loose cigarettes while growing up in Hawaii at age 12, little did he know that he would grow up to die at the same young age that his mother would.

My dad and me:

At 55 I can safely say that my siblings and I have ensured that the “family tradition” of being addicted to nicotine and dying at 50 does not continue with us, since we remember how he suffered firsthand. Thankfully none of our kids smoke, but that doesn’t mean they were not targeted. They are definitely surrounded by their peers who have now normalized vaping in front of others. I am proud to be working harder than ever with my activism, one which was triggered when Dad died. I could think of no more noble cause at the time I entered law school than to save as many lives as I could, but Big Tobacco is still trying to addict new generations with vapes, even having the audacity to suggest they are smoking cessation devices! If that’s the case, why do some e-cigarettes have the equivalent of 400 cigarettes?

The biggest drug dealers in the world are making profits off of 22% of the WORLD population. Does this CARTEL deserve that? How many needless, preventable early deaths will they be responsible for throughout history? There is no depth to which this one industry will go, and yet it continues to prosper off the blood money of our families and now our youth. Big Tobacco is the enemy. Ask me how you can help.

Can you even tell which of these are vape pens? Neither can parents or teachers when they are consumed IN CLASS.

One thought on “33 years since Dad died of Nicotine Addiction”

  1. Il ricordo di tuo papà mi emoziona tantissimo…..Sono stati dei periodi meravigliosi!!!!Rivederlo in questa foto con te in braccio la mia mente corre veloce nella realta di un sogno lontano.
    Tu sai quanto stimavo tua mamma Pina..Che Dio gli abbia in gloria tutti e due, un abbraccio a te e SHANDO , Sandrina

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