Tag Archives: Sarah Palin

Dispelling the Suspected Right Wing Spies Among Us

A friend of mine was saying that a mutual acquaintance of ours who is very active in the gay community made some “decisions” that sometimes amazed him.  Based on this acquaintance’s profile, he concluded that, like my friend’s step-mother, our acquaintance was a Sarah Palin supporter. Perplexed, I went to the acquaintance’s profile and clicked on the “Sarah Palin” link to discover that 37 of MY friends are supposedly “fans”.  I looked carefully to make sure that it wasn’t a spoof page. After all, the woman is a caricature of herself, but it was indeed her official page. It was incredulous to me that some of these very outspoken, far left individuals, who make me look moderate, were supporters. Then I realized that without independently confirming the reason for their linking to this political page, it was not fair to assume that they were truly fans.  Indeed, as a polisci major, I often watch FOX “News” to see what my enemies are formulating, even if it is very difficult to take seriously and stomach.

Looking through the 37 people I know (and I doubt I even know that many gay Republicans) and other friends of theirs who were linked to the page, I saw men with shirtless pictures and others with slutty, made-up sexual names, so I really doubt that these activist, extreme liberal individuals had anything but disdain for the woman, and probably just wanted to engage in watching the slow train wreck that is her life.  One of them even publishes a smut magazine.

I agree in general that there are some unfortunate surprises when one discusses ideology even among gay men, but San Francisco resident, homosexually married, poly slores are generally not among them, to my relief.

“Retard” Brouhaha is not what it seems…

Doubt the Palin clan knew actress portraying mentally retarded character on Family Guy has Downs Syndrome before they started lambasting it.  Before the Palins had a stage, the “Petarded” episode, where the main character was found to have a very low IQ, didn’t get much flack.  Apparently SOME of the letter that the actress wrote to the New York Times was published, but not the part that accused Sarah of carrying her son around “like a loaf of bread” for sympathy votes!