Category Archives: Religion

Orlando Shooter

No need spreading his name further, or allowing him to drag any religion or sect through the mud, but this closet freak was called out by me the moment I heard the news of his choice of venue. I do NOT accept the media’s interpretation of his going to Disney specifically during GAY days, and going to the club at least a dozen times before to be “surveillance” visits (emphasis mine).  He was looking for gay men to have sex with, to get drunk out of his mind against his father’s wishes because he didn’t have the social skills to find a boyfriend.  Just as he had been doing for YEARS (even before his first marriage to a woman) on those gay hookup sites/apps, he also was not doing “surveillance” or “investigation” for his suicide by cop.

Unfortunately his extreme familiarity with the club was probably why he was able to hold up in the bathroom with hostages and be so sadly efficient in killing more people than any other lone gunman in American history. What a legacy. What a way to prove to his homophobic, intolerant father what a gay-basher he was, instead of the deeply disturbed self-hating faggot he didn’t have the balls to be. His father is literally bragging about how his son couldn’t possibly have been gay because of where he chose to do this, so another loser drank the kool-aid.

Speaking of falling in line before thinking, these NRA cronies are still using their uneducated masses about the law and the 2nd Amendment without any interpretation by SCOTUS over centuries. Even the suggestion of controlling large magazine ammunition puts their panties in a twist.  Lying with statistics and worrying about their next armament purchase so they can fight against the US Military (the largest in the world, which no one can explain how these militias would have a chance against), just makes me laugh. Yet those born with the most privilege in the country (whites) are 100% of these die-hard self-deputized militias.  How’s that working out for them?

During his rampage he called 911.  He was so inarticulate about “them bombing his country,” he didn’t even know how to distinguish between the Sunni and Shiite extremist groups that he purportedly allied himself with. It still didn’t take last-gasp ISIL any time to take credit for his actions, even if it was embarrassing for them to have to admit that one of their so-called heroes lowered himself to going into a gay venue.  Lest we forget he was born in New York, lived in Florida, and probably never even went to Afghanistan, where his parents are from.

Never before was a ISIL attack so specific as to target a gay establishment. Why? Because gay sex is alive and well (and plentiful) in oppressive societies where women aren’t even allowed to walk down the streets by themselves. Remember Yassir Arafat and his beard of a wife in France who he never lived with and only married when he was near death to cover up the speculation about his sexuality and AIDS diagnosis? This is just one tiny example.  The muslim/arab world is not unique in its quashing of love between people of the same gender, but so help me if someone from ANY country contacts me without a face picture. I have been fighting for gay rights with pro bono work, including as a volunteer board member of an international gay parenting organization, for years.  That doesn’t make me a hero, but that should prove that I chose to take a different direction when I came to the realization as a man with a child and going through a divorce that I was going to have to grow up and deal with this.

We kiss in solidarity with the injured and fallen in Orlando. Here’s to not being closeted, bigoted and hateful like the monster who perpetrated this act out of his own insecurity.  His father contended that the shooter seeing men kissing one time in Miami caused this. Sounds like this failure of a parent has a lot to learn about his scummy offspring.

20160612 n


As Facebook is not my life, content that I post there is only ancillary to what I post here at my own domain.  I recently changed my theological and political views from Agnostic and Liberal thusly:

Devout Agnostic – Not interested in pursuing and not interested in debating useless unscientific contradictory ideas, whether they were reduced to writing at some point or not.  Philosophy and scientific mental health are far more interesting to me.

Progressive Lefty – Not as liberal as some people consider me to be, but certainly not politically paternalistic.  I am a loyal Democrat (as in non-backstabbing swing Democrat).  Some of my best friends are Republican-identified.


That Rekers (like oxidized hypocrisy)!

I’m so reveling in the PERFECT HYPOCRITE squirming like a maggot:  “ Rekers” testified against gay parents because of neurotic suppression of his own gayness! Wake up people!

I can’t find anything online yet re Rekers’ wife; was she at home during this ten day trip to Europe with rentboy? What about all of his other “assisted” vacations?  UPDATE:  So now it is clear what Rekers was trying to protect in part:  he has a wife and sons (presumably grown) and he has finally admitted to some weaknesses and getting spiritual help that he needs, even though he’s clinging on to the claim that he was able to “counsel” his rentboy on being saved (presumably while he was enjoying the mandated naked massages that he insisted on paying for daily).

The lawyer in me cannot fathom how Rekers could be SO DUMB as to put his “contract” expecting intimacy in writing!  I believe they showed the document, with Rekers’ real name no less, in the CNN interview video with the waif, who was probably the one who provided it to them. I guess Rekers needed it in writing because was concerned he wouldn’t get his $75 worth every single day of his trip! I do not believe it required a happy ending!

At least SOME of the fortune Florida paid Rekers for his bigotry&self-loathing streams back to the community through his string of rented twinks, right?

Haiti Earthquake – Text a donation! Boycott Limbaugh and Robertson even more!

I just made a $10 donation (legitimate as per Ben Stiller on CNN’s Larry King) which will be automatically billed to my phone by texting HAITI to 90999.

I’m trying not to think about it too much, because I know I’m going to cry the more images I see of corpses on the streets that were lives that could have been saved if a better infrastucture or help got to these people fast enough.  My heart goes out to the people in Haiti.  I have so many Haitian friends in New York that I’m thinking about now and I remember some of their stories about the incredible poverty they witnesses when they visited.

Haitian American interviewed on local news here in northern CA:  “They say men don’t dry?  I do cry.”

I never imagined that the same fault link that goes through California runs right through the West Indies!

On a less positive note, why are there are disgusting people like this “xtian” who I thought was dead (or was that just some of the other old-timer televangelists who prey on lonely people at home watching them?):

Pat Robertson: Quake Hit Because Haiti ‘Swore Pact to the Devil’

Hey Pat Robertson, did your gawd tell you that all those babies, among others, crushed under collapsed buildings in Haiti were devil worshippers?!?

Talk about prejudice!  So his gawd thinks the children who died under crumbled buildings yesterday were devil-worshippers?  Are people not entitled to want to be independent of imperialists, or is it just BLACK people he has a problem with?

Why don’t we see droves of xtians withholding their donations to his tele-church?  You don’t need to have a law degree, like I happen to have, to know that the First Amendment does NOT entitle one to a television show or religious channel to spew propaganda, and free speech has many  reasonable limitations, like not inciting riot by screaming “fire” in a theater, which is tantamount to what he’s doing from his satan fear-mongering pulpit.  Are there actually companies that pay for advertising on his show?  Have any of them withdrawn?  Let us hear from his followers and commercial sponsors as to their outrage for once.

When I first saw this video, I couldn’t believe it was in RESPONSE to the suffering of hundreds of thousands of people less than 100 miles off our shores.  I actually gave Pat Satanson the benefit of the doubt by thinking it was from an archive from decades ago preaching about how wonderful colonialism is!  And who is this UNCLE TOMASINA in the video with him?  Does she think it is terrible that slaves brought to Haiti by Europeans actually wanted self-rule even though (gasp) they were Black like her?  Maybe he thought he could look this woman of color in the face because she’s his hired yes-mammy.

Limbaugh is telling Americans not to donate to Haiti because we already have with our tax dollars?  Ice cold heart doesn’t begin to describe him.

Here are some responses to my Facebook post:

Jim Hoffman and good ol’ Rush is bitchin because the US started sending help the very same day because our president is trying to make point with the black community and Obama waited 3 days to say anything about the underwear christmas bomber!! WTF is wrong with some people??

Anthony Davis he is a demented bastard

Bill Miller WE can only hope that Pat Robertson gets crushed by anything – hopefully a big meteor sent form God himself. Splat!

Joe Cuellar media shouldn't even give jerks like him airtime, only gives him more publicity for his causes

Dallas DeBurger No shit…they should shut him down!

Rich Allen It is impossible for me to think that in this day and the times that we live in – that a-holes like Pat Robertson are still allowed to spew out their sickening garbage… it reminds me of Hitler’s filth… we condemn him now – why not Pat Robertson??

John Barber we shouldn’t condone what he says or does, but we should let him speak, so we can always be reminded why we need to stand together and not alienate each other. freedom of speech does exist for all, even the ones we don't want to hear. I know first hand about censorship and how if you speak of peace, they want you to be quiet. let’s get louder!

Steve Reeder the Hatian Ambassador already shut him down.

Adiv Abramson His god, as told in the bible, had no problems drowning millions of people, including infants, in the superheated, sulfur-laden, roiling waters of The Flood. This latest massacre is a rather small scale affair, compared to the other mass slaughters perpetrated by the warrior god Mr. Robertson worships. :-\

Robert McDiarmid if you follow his logic – then America is all devil worshipping as well – because of our deal with the devil to expel the british in 1776.

Steve Reeder @Rich, the reason he is still allowed to spew his nonsense is, for better and for worse, the First Amendment. Pat Robertson can have any opinion he wishes and can say it out loud. Fortunately, thanks to good judgement and discernment, a vast majority of people choose not to validate or lend credence to his opinions. and we are free to condemn him through our First Amendment right.

Rich Allen Steve, you are right!

Aaron Wiegel I really don't think 99% of Christians consider his remarks appropriate. I am not Christian myself, but I know enough to say that saying things like that is most decidedly not Christian in the least.

Steve Reeder @Joseph: I’ve been combing the CBN website and it seems they don’t have commecial sponsors, only doners like PBS. While the First Amendment certainly does not entitle anyone to a TV show, a broadcasting license and transmission outlet seems to provide for that. Thanks to other fools, THIS fool has a lot of money and is able to air a ridiculous show on his own network. The people who fund him likely trust him to a tragic degree and believe he is an authority on what he speaks. We know better, but his bills are paid and he’s still on the air. What can we do about that? No, really… WHAT can we do? How can we be of service?

Steve Reeder update:  here’s insight into how Pat Robertson is funded, from a 2005 article.

Chanin Philip robertson is a douchebag

David Wickham don’t compare him to a douchebag; douchebags are much better than he is

Joe Cuellar guess with his thinking we should still belong to England

Carlos Salazar I agree with the douchbag thing… letter J for Jerk…..

Linda Johnson Personally, since I'm a woman, I can appreciate a good douche bag … but Robertson, Limbaugh, and other jerks like them I do NOT appreciate!!

John Barber They are showing that racism still exist and we must stand strong against all bigotry. all people are entitled to self-rule. WE ARE THE PEOPLE!

Jack Bixby Religulous!

Jonathan Lamb he also believes the people of haiti are cursed to tragedy because they made a pact with the devil…which is insane cuz he is the devil…or just one of his minions…

Jimmy D’Hont I wonder if there are some psycho-tropic medications that might help Pat Robertson with his delusions???

Vance Stewart How can one say they are a minister and tell people not to donate, help, or support the people of Haiti? Unfathomable.